Ibm Rational Doors User Manual Pdf
Welcome to IBM® Rational® DOORS® 9.2, the world’s leading requirements management application. This manual introduces you to IBM Rational DOORS (Rational DOORS) concepts to help you get started with Rational DOORS. Typographical Conventions The following typographical conventions are used in this manual: Related Documentation. IBM Rational DOORS Using Rational DOORS Release 9.2. Before using this information, be sure to read the general information under the 'Notices' chapter on page 405.
Before using MagicRQ plugin in the RequisitePro or Telelogic Doors application, you need to complete the integration process. To integrate with Rational RequisitePro: 1. Open the Rational RequisitePro application. On the Tools menu, choose Adds in. The Adds-in dialog will open. Ocr font free download mac. Play Webinar Title: Extending IBM Rational DOORS Traceability for FPGA Designs Description: User requirements, use cases, system level requirements and board level requirements are typically managed in DOORS, but FPGA requirements, FPGA design and verification elements are managed in documents and spreadsheets external to DOORS.
Ibm Rational Doors User Manual Pdf Download
Krishna Kumar (13●1●4) answered Feb 19 '18, 10:54 p.m. edited Feb 20 '18, 11:13 a.m. More details related to my earlier post: We are trying to migrate our requirements from ReqPro (I can hear you come this late:) ) to DNG. Project consists of a lot of requirements with two Artifact types. Let us call them A and B. Each A links to one or more of Type B. 17K requirements of A links to 7K of type B. It could as simple as one of A links to just one of B, but generally each A links to about 15 type B. There are a few As that links to 400 - 500 Bs. So far our research indicates that we cannot import requirements from ReqPro to DNG preserving the links. May be possible to just import all of A, but the traces to B will not import. Here is our plan - Import all type Bs initially into DNG via csv export/import process. Create one requirement of type A in DNG. After this Create one link (using Link To)from A in DNG to each type B artifact. This would give us the URL for each type B 'Link To's . Repeat this step for all of the 7K of type B. Take a csv extract of this from DNG. That will have the URL for each of the 7K 'Link To's for B. Take a csv extract of all of the requirements from ReqPro (containing all of type A linked to type B ) and use a program to change the link information that came out of ReqPro with the URL information mapping . This updated file would be used to import all of the ReqPro data into DNG. As you can see the maximum time would be spent in manually creating the 'Link To' for each type B in DNG. If we can find a way to not associate a URL for Link To, then we save all that time. And we do not see a need for URL info it in our project. This is what I was trying to determine. If we must associate a URL, is there a way to obtain the URL without having to establish a 'test' link? Based on a quick reading of the links you provided, it appears there is a way to create custom Links, not sure if we could do them without associating a URL. We do not have administrator privileges, so have not checked that possibility yet. All we need is link between two artifact types within the same CLM, no need for linking to external projects. Any new ideas/insights you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks |
Ibm Rational Doors User Manual Pdf Manual
Krishna Kumar (13●1●4) answered Feb 19 '18, 10:54 p.m. edited Feb 20 '18, 11:13 a.m. More details related to my earlier post: We are trying to migrate our requirements from ReqPro (I can hear you come this late:) ) to DNG. Project consists of a lot of requirements with two Artifact types. Let us call them A and B. Each A links to one or more of Type B. 17K requirements of A links to 7K of type B. It could as simple as one of A links to just one of B, but generally each A links to about 15 type B. There are a few As that links to 400 - 500 Bs. So far our research indicates that we cannot import requirements from ReqPro to DNG preserving the links. May be possible to just import all of A, but the traces to B will not import. Here is our plan - Import all type Bs initially into DNG via csv export/import process. Create one requirement of type A in DNG. After this Create one link (using Link To)from A in DNG to each type B artifact. This would give us the URL for each type B 'Link To's . Repeat this step for all of the 7K of type B. Take a csv extract of this from DNG. That will have the URL for each of the 7K 'Link To's for B. Take a csv extract of all of the requirements from ReqPro (containing all of type A linked to type B ) and use a program to change the link information that came out of ReqPro with the URL information mapping . This updated file would be used to import all of the ReqPro data into DNG. As you can see the maximum time would be spent in manually creating the 'Link To' for each type B in DNG. If we can find a way to not associate a URL for Link To, then we save all that time. And we do not see a need for URL info it in our project. This is what I was trying to determine. If we must associate a URL, is there a way to obtain the URL without having to establish a 'test' link? Based on a quick reading of the links you provided, it appears there is a way to create custom Links, not sure if we could do them without associating a URL. We do not have administrator privileges, so have not checked that possibility yet. All we need is link between two artifact types within the same CLM, no need for linking to external projects. Any new ideas/insights you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks |